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Would You Like Fries With That? (Or, Why Add-On Items Matter to Your Rental Business)

InTempo Software InTempo Software

“Would you like fries with that?” is a line any fast-food junky will recognize. Yet have you ever stopped to think about whether selling a small container of fries really brings about additional revenue for the restaurant? Without actually doing the research, I’d respectfully submit that it must or you wouldn’t have heard the same question time and time again.   

If you started your own rental business, at the outset you probably worked with each client yourself and made sure each customer had everything they needed to make their experience complete. But as you grew and added employees to the equation, it’s likely that some of your knowledge about what should be recommended as add-on sales has gotten lost in the shuffle. This is something that must be considered carefully or the customer won’t have the best possible experience and you’ll have missed an income opportunity.  Your company could also become liable if the equipment that you rented was not sent out with the appropriate safety gear, (e.g., harness or eye protection).

What does any of this have to do with your rental system? Plenty! A well-designed software package should be able to take the knowledge of the most knowledgeable person and pass it on to a first-day employee so no customer will come up short as a result of your business’s growth. Your software makes it appear as if YOU are right there taking care of things even when that’s not possible or practical. As a potential benefit to both your customers and your bottom line, check that your system is set up to give your employees the tools necessary to recommend and group together the proper ancillary items for each rental. Creating these groups in the system should be easy, but make sure to take the time to include all of the complementary items (both rental and sales) for every product or piece of equipment.


Add Ons Rental Software


Add-on sales are no small part of any business, in fact, I would bet that the margins on your consumable items are better than your margins on rental equipment. You may even want to incentivize employees who go the distance when it comes to driving extra revenue and delivering the best customer service. If your customers experience the full impact of every inventory item you rent, you’ve not only created happy customers, but also walking, talking advertisements as well. And there’s not a marketing plan on the planet that will help your business grow faster and better than that!

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